Measures as from 27 September 2021

As from 27 September FabLab is open again without reservation system and this for students of KU Leuven (Association). Possible existing reservations after 27 September will be deleted. For KU Leuven, Flanders Make and Imec personnel it will still be possible – to a limited extent – to make a reservation for the laser cutter…

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SMTH Smooth and FabLab Leuven: a unique partnership!

When in 2014 two enterprising students, Dimi Moreels and Kristof van Thielen, had to initiate their graduation project, they soon found their way to the FabLab. The idea was to develop an ecological, trendy wallet, in line with their vision that nature and stylish fashion can go hand in hand. Getting rid of the perception…

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FabLab increases production capacity with 3D Printing Farm

Since February 2021 a 3D printing farm has been installed in FabLab. A whát, you might think. The concept ‘farm’ may not immediately remind you of a fine piece of technology. Yet, this is exactly what it is. In a 3D printing farm the focus is on the optimal implementation of the printers’ capacity, in…

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Meet François: the biggest fan of our FabLab!

I think that I may have met the biggest fan of our FabLab. We didn’t meet personally – as due to Corona measures you cannot just pass by at FabLab Leuven – but I spoke to François Janssens on the phone, as a result of the various projects he has realized for FabLab Leuven. For…

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FabLab launches F-16 and SR -71 soldering kits!

Inspire children to grow their interest in science and techniques. Nobody will deny that today this is an important topic in education, where a broad development is getting more and more important. And ‘to catch them young’ is obviously applicable here. When children get acquainted with techniques already at an early age, this will naturally…

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New soldering oven FabLab donated by Rogers Corporation

Since a few weeks FabLab Leuven has a new soldering oven. This is good news for electronics and mechanics students and researchers among others. They will now be able to solder the  ever-smaller electronics themselves without having to invest in expensive and large infrastructure. In this oven one complete printboard with SMD components can be…

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If you want to come to FabLab Leuven, then reservation is always obliged ! Before you can come by, you need to reserve our machines through our reservation tool. See also: How to register my account ? Pay attention – if you make a reservation, you reserve for 1 person per machine and only for…

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