Summer – opening hours + parking no longer publicly accessible
In the summer period we are open from 9:00-17:30 on Mon, Tue, Thu and Fri and from 9:15-17:30 on Wednesdays.
(please note that there are also some closing days due to camps, holidays, …)
Furthermore, changes are coming regarding the parking policy on campus Arenberg (including the parking at FabLab):
KU Leuven explicitly wants to ask for a more sustainable approach to the campus. From academic year 2023-’24, there will be stricter supervision on the staff car parks of Arenberg (where students sometimes park unlawfully today). Parking De Molen will disappear in favor of more green space and from August 2023 a barrier will be built at the FabLab parking lot and will then only be accessible for staff and students with a recognized disability.
(Students with a recognized disability should contact their care coordinator to request an exception)