FabLab Leuven is "open source hardware" for students and staff of the KU Leuven Association and Imec, in other words: a library of user-friendly machines to make almost anything in wood and plastic.
For students and staff members of the KU Leuven Association and Imec.
attention: RESERVATION POSSIBILITY for personnel: make your reservation here.
Always bring your personal student or staff card from the KU Leuven Association and Imec with you and register with us before using the machines. We allow maximum 25 persons in our largest FabLab room.
Are you personnel, you can still make your reservation here.
Furthermore you show that you respect our FabLab and the other users by always cleaning up your material when you have finished.
You are only allowed to use one machine per project / person (i.e. if you are making invitiations or tokens for scouts, you can only use one laser cutter). This in respect for the people waiting to use the laser cutter as well.

Personnel can still reserve through our tool.
Monday (Closed) Closed Tuesday 8:45 - 17:45 Wednesday 9:00 - 17:45 Thursday 8:45 - 17:45 Friday 8:45 - 17:45 Saturday Closed Sunday Closed
We zijn gesloten. Opnieuw open op Monday om 8:45u
Next data we're closed or have different opening hours:
3 Mar 8:45 - 17:00
21 Apr - 21 Apr Closed 1 May - 1 May Closed 29 May - 29 May Closed 9 Jun - 9 Jun Closed 11 Jul - 11 Jul Closed 21 Jul - 21 Jul Closed 15 Aug - 15 Aug Closed 8 Sept - 8 Sept Closed 11 Nov - 11 Nov Closed 25 Dec - 1 Jan Closed
Heb je een idee? Wil je het realiseren? Zoek je een plaats waar je een eerste prototype kan maken om eventuele klanten te overtuigen? FabLab-Leuven is die plaats...
In the summer period we are open from 9:00-17:30 on Mon, Tue, Thu and Fri and from 9:15-17:30 on Wednesdays.
(please note that there are also some closing days due to camps, holidays, …)
Furthermore, changes are coming regarding the parking policy on campus Arenberg (including the parking at FabLab):
KU Leuven explicitly wants to ask for a more sustainable approach to the campus. From academic year 2023-’24, there will be stricter supervision on the staff car parks of Arenberg (where students sometimes park unlawfully today). Parking De Molen will disappear in favor of more green space and from August 2023 a barrier will be built at the FabLab parking lot and will then only be accessible for staff and students with a recognized disability.
(Students with a recognized disability should contact their care coordinator to request an exception)