FabLab Charter

A FabLab facilitates inventions and innovation by bringing computer-controlled tools within reach of individuals

Open Access:
Everyone can use the FabLab to (almost) make everything (as long as no one harms); You have to find out how you do it and you have to share the FabLab with others

In the FabLab you learn from others and by executing projects; You are supposed to transfer acquired knowledge back to others, and contribute to the available documentation and instructions for use


You are responsible for:

  • Safety: Working safely with the tools and machines
  • Cleanup: Leave the FabLab in a cleaner state than you found it
  • Business operations: Helping with inventory management, maintenance and repair work, and reporting incidents

All designs and processes developed in a fablab are freely available for personal use, although intellectual property can be protected by choice

Commercial use of the FabLab is not excluded in so far as it does not preclude free access to the lab; Commercial activities that germinate in the lab are considered to outgrow the fablab at some point and, once come to fruition, also benefit the inventors, the lab and networks that led to their success.