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Yes, machines need to be reserved! You can make a reservation through our reservation tool. We work according to the "first come first serve" principle. This means that you need to stay on site if you want to keep your place in the waiting row.
The use of the machines in FabLab Leuven is for free as long as it's for non-commercial use.
This is the same for students and personnel of (Association) KU Leuven, as for others. However, when you are not a student or personnel of (Association) KU Leuven, you'll need to upload the things that you made on the website of Instructables with keyword: fablableuven.
We always have stock of MDF (3-4-6-9 mm) and transparent plexi (2-3-4-5-6-8 mm) and corrugated board 1.5mm available. Since we only have a very limited stock room, it sometimes happens that certain materials are temporarily out of stock.
You can bring your own material, but this can only be paper, cardboard, MDF or PMMA plexi. When you bring plexi, you'll always need to proof that this is PMMA plexi. This with regards to possible toxic gases that can be released when it's not PMMA plexi.
Pay attention that your material is max 60x30cm !
The principle of a FabLab is sharing your ideas with others. We'd like to maintain this principle and that way you can use the machines for free. The only condition is that you put your creation on-line, so that other people can also use these ideas.
When you, as not KU Leuven student or -personnel, come to FabLab Leuven to make something, you'll need to upload the files of your creation to the website of Instructables with keyword fablableuven. Please, pay attention that you'll issue the "Instructable" completely (only at the end you can write your keyword fablableuven!!). After your "Instructable" has been put on-line, you send an e-mail to fablableuven@kuleuven.be so that we know that you are in order. When, after a while we we notice that you haven't done so yet, we'll send you an- e-mail to remind you. Without a visible "Instructable" you are no longer welcome in our FabLab.
Herewith the link on how to make a good "Instructable": https://www.instructables.com/id/How-to-Create-a-Feature-Worthy-Instructable/
*** Pay attention that Instructables requires steps in the Instructable - ideally your instructable has at least two steps. In step 1 you can e.g. make a photo of your file (don't forget to upload the files itself as well) and in step 2 you can upload a photo of the end result. Of course you are free to add more steps, but be aware that for every step a photo is needed ! The link you get from Instructables, doesn't automatically mean that your instructable is also on line - it's highly possible that they will write a comment and that you need to adapt it before it will be put on line. It's best that you check your link one or two days later for the comment !